RainbowFish is delighted to offer you a wide range of highly interactive once a week after school and weekend art classes for various age groups. We limit our zoom class size so we can give individual feedback to each child. We welcome diversity and already have students logging in from 10 cities in India as well as Vietnam, Singapore, Dubai, London and North America.


Art with Movies
10 - 14 May

4-5 yrs

 3500 | 4:30 to 5:45 pm

Our younger students explore new mediums as they make artworks on themes like tropical landscapes, fantasy characters and so much more. Each class is based on a movie like Frozen, Moana, Monster’s Inc and others. While the movies provide the theme and the students will get to watch small clips from them, the artworks will bring out their own individual styles as they learn new skills and techniques. They draw a single object, animal or landscape and have an open colour palette.

Virtual Art Studio
3 - 7 May
17 - 21 May

5 – 8 yrs

₹ 3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

RainbowFish is happy to introduce you to our brand new studio space at Kotturpuram! We can’t wait to introduce our students to the play of light, the wild garden, the library and much more. We even plan to bring in the occasional dog, turtle or rooster to pose as a model. Since the pandemic has made it challenging for our young artists to come to the studio, we will run summer camp live from the studio. Each week will have an animal portrait, a nature study, a still life, an abstract work and a fantasy work. And each week will be different!

Art Prompts
26 - 30 April
3 - 7 May

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:15 pm

Each session will begin with an art prompt. This is not a guided activity but rather the studio will encourage each student to respond differently to the prompt. The purpose of the course is to fuel each student’s imagination. In a session, a student may create one or more responses to an art prompt. We will limit the batch size to 6 students instead of 12 to allow each student to get the individual feedback he or she needs. This class will also dedicate time for students to explain their work and others to give constructive feedback and suggestions for further exploration.


Animal Portraits
26 - 30 April
10 - 14 May

5 – 8 yrs

₹3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

In this course, the students will have an animal theme for each project but the course will have a strong focus on contour drawing and will allow the students to use a variety of mediums. Students will draw from models, from pictures and from their imagination and we will refer both Indian and international artists who use animals as their muses.


Shading pencils, Charcoal, watercolours
24 - 28 May

5 – 8 yrs

₹3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

This course allows the students to explore light and shadow, texture, depth and perspective in its entirety before introducing colour. Students also learn basic outlining with ink and ink wash techniques. Our Shading Pencil, Charcoal and Watercolours class explores techniques of artists from India and abroad who have mastered these mediums. Our students will also experiment with watercolours as an illustration style, inspired by popular illustrators from around the world.


Book Club
26 - 30 April
17 - 21 May

4 – 5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30 to 5:45 pm

This course begins with experiments with warm colours and cool colours using pastels and paint. Using some of the children’s favorite books like ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Elmer the Elephant’, we will explore the crayon resist technique with ink, using tissue paper, a toothbrush and an ear bud to learn various techniques with paint.  This is a fun workshop that combines two of their favorite things, storytelling and art!


Draw, Paint, Make
3 - 7 May

4 – 5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30 to 5:45 pm

In this course, we will create more tactile art. In an attempt to push the boundaries of texture and pattern students will use techniques from print-making, collage and layering techniques to create work that both literally and visually breaks out of the flat surface of painted paper.  We will also practice elements of scale, proportion, contour drawing and other art fundamentals.


World around Me
24 - 28 May

4 – 5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30 to 5:45 pm

This course for our younger students encourages them to observe the world around them and draw from observation. We keep shapes simple while experimenting freely with colour and texture. The themes in the class range from animals, people, objects and even some simple abstraction. We will use a variety of paper sizes and types and medium will include oil pastels, watercolours and markers.


The Power of Black and White
10 - 14 May

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:15 pm

A new course at RainbowFish, we take students with us on a journey of Artists who chose to make art without colour. Black and white is often a stronger way to make a point, the focus is then on strong lines and texture. We will learn about legends like Zarina Hashmi, William Kentridge and Kara Walker who have spent a lifetime making art in Black and wite to address important issues like race, country and borders. Also artists who commonly work in colour but made a few works in black and white from Picasso’s Guernica to specific works by Laxma Gaud and KG Subranmanyan. Our students will make their own black and white works using collage, gel pen, paints and oil pastels.


My First Portfolio
17 - 21 May

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:15 pm

While many of our students are still not yet at the stage where they need to build a college portfolio, building a strong foundation and encouraging good studio art habits should start right away. Themes could range from Dragon Drawing to Portraits to drawing Architectural themes and more. While we will introduce new art concepts and techniques everyday – each student will be encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way. This class will include peer review and critique where students learn to give and receive constructive criticism. The goal is that our students continue to build on their portfolio through the summe 

art journal 5

Art Journaling
24 - 28 May

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:15 pm

A great tool for the stressful times we live in. An Art journal is a way for your pre-teen to express his or her feelings in a constructive way. Each journal will combine art and words to express thoughts and feelings in a creative way. Using fun prompts, students will explore themes and learn techniques that will change the way they think about making art. And the best part – there are no rules and mistakes in art journaling! It’s all about self-expression. Art journaling can go a long way in improving mood, lowering anxiety, and fostering a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. All forms of creativity are welcome!

RainbowFish is delighted to offer you a wide range of highly interactive once a week after school and weekend art classes for various age groups. We limit our zoom class size so we can give individual feedback to each child. We welcome diversity and already have students logging in from 10 cities in India as well as Vietnam, Singapore, Dubai, London and North America.

Art With Movie

4-5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30-5:45 pm

Our younger students explore new mediums as they make artworks on themes like tropical landscapes, fantasy characters and so much more. Each class is based on a movie like Frozen, Moana, Monster’s Inc and others. While the movies provide the theme and the students will get to watch small clips from them, the artworks will bring out their own individual styles as they learn new skills and techniques. They draw a single object, animal or landscape and have an open colour palette.

Book Club

4-5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30-5:45 pm

This course begins with experiments with warm colours and cool colours using pastels and paint. Using some of the children’s favourite books like ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Elmer the Elephant’, we will explore the crayon resist technique with ink, using tissue paper, a toothbrush and an ear bud to learn various techniques with paint.  This is a fun workshop that combines two of their favorite things, storytelling and art!

Draw, Paint, Make

4-5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30-5:45 pm

In this course, we will create more tactile art. In an attempt to push the boundaries of texture and pattern students will use techniques from print-making, collage and layering techniques to create work that both literally and visually breaks out of the flat surface of painted paper.  We will also practice elements of scale, proportion, contour drawing and other art fundamentals.

World around Me

4-5 yrs

₹3500 | 4:30 to 5:45 pm

This course for our younger students encourages them to observe the world around them and draw from observation. We keep shapes simple while experimenting freely with colour and texture. The themes in the class range from animals, people, objects and even some simple abstraction. We will use a variety of paper sizes and types and medium will include oil pastels, watercolours and markers.

Virtual Art Studio

5 – 8  yrs

₹3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

RainbowFish is happy to introduce you to our brand new studio space at Kotturpuram! We can’t wait to introduce our students to the play of light, the wild garden, the library and much more. We even plan to bring in the occasional dog, turtle or rooster to pose as a model. Since the pandemic has made it challenging for our young artists to come to the studio, we will run summer camp live from the studio. Each week will have an animal portrait, a nature study, a still life, an abstract work and a fantasy work. And each week will be different!

Animal Portrait

5 – 8 yrs

₹3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

In this course, the students will have an animal theme for each project but the course will have a strong focus on contour drawing and will allow the students to use a variety of mediums. Students will draw from models, from pictures and from their imagination and we will refer both Indian and international artists who use animals as their muses.

Shading pencils, Charcoal, watercolours

5 – 8 yrs

₹3500 | 11:30 to 12:45 pm

This course allows the students to explore light and shadow, texture, depth and perspective in its entirety before introducing colour. Students also learn basic outlining with ink and ink wash techniques. Our Shading Pencil, Charcoal and Watercolours class explores techniques of artists from India and abroad who have mastered these mediums. Our students will also experiment with watercolours as an illustration style, inspired by popular illustrators from around the world

Art Prompts

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:45 pm

Each session will begin with an art prompt. This is not a guided activity but rather the studio will encourage each student to respond differently to the prompt. The purpose of the course is to fuel each student’s imagination. In a session, a student may create one or more responses to an art prompt. We will limit the batch size to 6 students instead of 12 to allow each student to get the individual feedback he or she needs. This class will also dedicate time for students to explain their work and others to give constructive feedback and suggestions for further exploration.

The power of Black and White

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:45 pm

A new course at RainbowFish, we take students with us on a journey of Artists who chose to make art without colour. Black and white is often a stronger way to make a point, the focus is then on strong lines and texture. We will learn about legends like Zarina Hashmi, William Kentridge and Kara Walker who have spent a lifetime making art in Black and wite to address important issues like race, country and borders. Also artists who commonly work in colour but made a few works in black and white from Picasso’s Guernica to specific works by Laxma Gaud and KG Subranmanyan. Our students will make their own black and white works using collage, gel pen, paints and oil pastels.

My First Portfolio

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:45 pm

While many of our students are still not yet at the stage where they need to build a college portfolio, building a strong foundation and encouraging good studio art habits should start right away. Themes could range from Dragon Drawing to Portraits to drawing Architectural themes and more. While we will introduce new art concepts and techniques everyday – each student will be encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way. This class will include peer review and critique where students learn to give and receive constructive criticism. The goal is that our students continue to build on their portfolio through the summer.

Art Journaling

8 – 12 yrs

₹3500 | 3:00 to 4:45 pm

A great tool for the stressful times we live in. An Art journal is a way for your pre-teen to express his or her feelings in a constructive way. Each journal will combine art and words to express thoughts and feelings in a creative way. Using fun prompts, students will explore themes and learn techniques that will change the way they think about making art. And the best part – there are no rules and mistakes in art journaling! It’s all about self-expression. Art journaling can go a long way in improving mood, lowering anxiety, and fostering a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. All forms of creativity are welcome!