A new course at RainbowFish, we take students with us on a journey of Artists who chose to make art without colour. Black and white is often a stronger way to make a point, the focus is then on strong lines and texture. We will learn about legends like Zarina Hashmi, William Kentridge and Kara Walker who have spent a lifetime making art in Black and wite to address important issues like race, country and borders. Also artists who commonly work in colour but made a few works in black and white from Picasso’s Guernica to specific works by Laxma Gaud and KG Subranmanyan. Our students will make their own black and white works using collage, gel pen, paints and oil pastels.
- Timing 3:00 to 4:15 pm IST (Monday to Friday)
- 10-May to 14-May 2021